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9 Fairies - 1 Interchangable Ring - Size 8

This sterling silver, interchangable ring comes with 9 gemstone spheres, each with a different fairy!!

The spheres pop in from the bottom so that they're safe during wear.


Onyx - Polin - He is a 261 year old Forest Sprite. He is an excellent companion for removing obstacles, aiding his keeper in seeing the right (and clearer) path, aid in decision making, discovering the truth, heigthened intuition, and general balance.


Blue Cats Eye - Desney - She is a 419 year old Forest Fae. She specializes in companionship, creativity, removing blockages, inspiration, and motivation.


Green Cats Eye - Dendrick - He is an elder amongst the Woodland fae. He does not acknowledge age. He can aid his keeper in abundance, prosperity, stability, new beginnings, getting over financial hurdles, and creative wealth.


Carnelian - Orrah - She is a fun loving, flower fae. Her favorite flower is the tulip. She aids her keeper in reducing stress, negating depression & saddness, self recognition and all other personal things. She is the gal that you want to seek out when you're feeling down in the dumps. She reminds you to stop and smell the roses and that each new day is one full of possibilities.


Orange Cats Eye - Lenka - She is a 288 year old Forest Sprite. She specializes in companionship, love, relationships, friendships, developing connections, capturing the attention of your peers, gaining affections, etc.


Chalcedony - Nat - Nat is a 824 year old Deva fae. She has all of the attributes of the coveted devata but does specialize in healing. Everything from body aches and headaches to the more serious stuff!


Yellow Cats Eye - Neesah - She is a 2,730 year old Fairy Queen. She specializes in success in all endevors! Her kingdom is one of the rare Irish "hill fae" and she has plenty of helpers to aid her companion in many good things.


The last 2 spheres...the jade and green onyx are for customzation. When you order this piece, simply email mother moon with the types of fae or attributes you are looking for and she will aid you in choosing the perfect companions from our vast fairy collection!


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