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Topic: Is It WISE to PRACTICE the DARK ARTS ?????????????

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Forum Home > Black Magick > Is It WISE to PRACTICE the DARK ARTS ?????????????

Posts: 2

Greetings to those that are gifted in the Arts of the OCCULT!!!!

         Black (Satanic)  Sorcery is powerful andmost corruptive to one's life energies in my experience!!!


 My Question is even though you have ACCESS to GREAT POWER is the PRICE that comes with it WORTH IT,..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????

June 26, 2011 at 2:54 PM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 27

This is one of those questions you could ask three people about and get four different answers ;) Generally I don't assign colors to magick, but in my opinion, all magickal actions (whether positive, negative, or neutral) have some type of reaction or "price." Just because something is labeled dark doesn't mean it needs to always be negative, bad, or evil. Dark magick can be used as successfully as lighter magick to help and heal. Also, its a misconception that dark magick is somehow stronger than white magick. Magick is magick; the energy comes from the same universal source. Its really up to the individual practitioner to be educated, responsible and to have a firm foundation in place before attempting any kind of magick.

There's a short story by Mark Twain called The War Prayer which illustrates that even our good intentions can be damaging to us and others. Its worth the read and offers some food for thought. It should pop up in an internet search.


A monster lies in wait in me,

a stew of wounds and misery.

But fiercer still in life and limb,

is the me that lies in wait in him. 

June 26, 2011 at 5:02 PM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 65

Temaeyah is right.  Generally speaking, the main difference between White and Black sorcery is that white is more about skimming the surface and applying to a wider range of things, without upsetting the "structure" of things already present...but rather building upon or enhancing it.  Black magick delves more into the underlying base of all reality.  YES and NO, you should not mess with it if you do not know what you are doing.  People who are not technicians and have no know-how or natural talent with some know-how should not really mess with things, because you may just end up messing things up beyond repair =)

Then again... you should always ask yourself the worth of your actions.  Awareness plays a big key in Black magick.  What are you willing to sacrifice?  Hold a pair of scales and measure the outcomes.

June 27, 2011 at 2:13 PM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 435

We shouldn’t miss-judge the colour of magick or different type of magicks but look into the intention of human’s heart? The evilness comes from within us human not the colour of magick or different set of magick. Black, red, green or white are the colour we human’s associated different set of magick with. Colours only represent different type of magick that we have available for our use. It’s us, human who have the option to use it in proper manners or choose to abuse its power. The magick itself could not harm us or anyone else for this matter unless we pick it up and use it. For what reason? The answer relies in the hand of executioner. Everything comes down to what purpose is the magick being used for and what are the intentions of the executioner? Like my friend Temaeyah, said, every magical action has a price to pay but it depends on the purpose of actions? If the action was taken under the betterment of others, then the price will be repaid in same manners and if the actions were taken is harming others then you shell reap what you’ve sown. The powers of Universe will weight your action in the scale of how pure/impure were your intentions and upon that will the price shall be repaid. It’s called Karma my friend. There is saying goes “what goes around comes around” If you hurt or harmed someone for your own beneficial/selfish reasons, then karma is just waiting to come and hit you unexpected.


There are many questions that require answers before we can stamp someone an "evil or bad one” There could be literally hundreds of reason to why one went down this path. Maybe someone’s have been wronged they entire life and they would like to give the taste of they own medicine or maybe someone is too sick and despite all the medical help, that “person” cannot be cured OR maybe this is the only way to defend themselves from others, hence they require the magical assistant. Magick can help with almost all of our daily problems that we face in our life, so sooner or later; everyone will come to rely on magick for good or bad purposes.


The bottom line is everyone has they reasons and beliefs and I think everyone pretty much know is aware of the action they are taking today, that some day the consequences as result of the action will come back to hit them in the face, either in good form or bad form. I’d say, one should really measure the level of sea water before deciding to jump in however in some case this is inevitable and of course the only way to end the pain/suffering is through this route, which of course seems the only important thing at that right moment that we don't care of the consequences we'll later face in our life.


*~* A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie *~* 

* Previously Known As UK85 *

June 28, 2011 at 1:50 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 65

Funny.  I was discussing with my friends about the Growth and Corporations.  There is a big issue with the whole toxicity of the way people choose to live in the economy.  The entire world strives on the consumer model, and so countries like India and China are following suite.  In the end everyone wants a form of evolution, even if it means a certain price.  I understand what your saying...  it correlates with "People want growth now, and they will worry about the pollution and the solution to that later."

June 28, 2011 at 2:51 PM Flag Quote & Reply

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