Spirited Enterprise

* Where Magick Happens *

MM's Corner

13 Goals of a Witch

Posted by spiritedenterprise on June 20, 2011 at 10:09 PM

1. Know thyself - Figure out who you are. Not only must you figure out what path you want to follow, but one must also figure out who they are, as a person. Know your own likes, dislikes, tollerance levels, achievements, and even your flaws. Be proud of yourself. Accept yourself for who you are and what you will become. Never, ever, put yourself down. Create goals for yourself and strive to meet them...always be moving forward, never backward.

2. Know the craft - Once you figure out what tradition of the craft appeals to you, learn everything you can about it. Read books, look things up on the internet, talk to others, join groups, whether online or in your home town.

3. Learn - Never stop learning. No one individual knows everything there is to know. Knowledge is power.

4. Apply knowledge with wisdom - Take what you learn and use it wisely. And above all else, use common sense.

5. Achieve balance - Balance makes for success. Learn to balance yourself on every level: emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually.

6.Keep thy words in order - Say what you mean, and mean what you say in both the physical and spiritual aspects. Practice what you preach.

7.Keep thy thoughts in good order - Positive thinking makes for a positive outcome.

8.Celebrate life - Life is short and truly, it is what you make it. Dont sweat the small stuff and take time to smell the roses. Life life with no regrets.

9.Attune with the cycles of the Earth - Becoming in tune with Mother Nature, as well as her elements, makes for a powerful witch. Know the sources of the elements. Gather and utilize their energy, not only in magick, but in day to day life.

10.Breathe and eat correctly

11.Exercise the body

12. Meditate

(10,11,12) - You only have one YOU;  mind, body, and soul. Take care of yourself as a whole. One cannot function properly, if a part of us is sick, whether it be a physical, mental, or spiritual illness. Be well, and be healthy.

13.Honor thyself and thy craft - If you're going to be a witch, BE ONE. Don't be afraid to help others. Teach what you know, even if you dont know everything. Pass on your knowledge so that others may also learn. Be good to you & be yourself, as there is no one else in the world like you!

Regardless of the path you take, be true to it, and be true to yourself. Dont do anything on behalf of another, that you, yourself, wouldnt do for you. If it feels wrong, dont do it. Trust in your intuition. Trust in yourself and in your power as a witch. It doesnt matter if you're a "newbie" or an "old timer." We all have power within us...it just takes time to learn exactly what that power is and how to use it. Be patient, yet, be diligent. Never give up on you.

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