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1/4 oz Powerful Psychic Attar

A true attar is an essential oil made from flower petals distilled in water using low heat and pressure. Some attars also contain exotic woods, spices and resins. Over several weeks, the steam containing the essential oils is collected into a container of mild sandalwood oil. There, the oils blend together until the sandalwood is completely saturated with the essential oils of the flowers.

In the art of perfumery and alchemy of attars, sandalwood oil is used as a 'base', or 'fixative'. It binds with the molecules of the essential oils and allows their subtleties to develop and last longer than if the flower oil was worn by itself. There is alchemy at work here! Like a fine wine, a true, sandalwood-based attar actually improves with age. You cannot find a more natural essential than a true attar.


This attar comes to you from a very special place! Panpipes Magickal Marketplace! Not only Panpipes, but from the original owner, ISIS!

This oil is actually about 25 years old but is just as fragrant and just as powerful as the day it was bottled!


This magickal oil is something that you will NOT find anywhere else! In fact, this is very limited edition as I only have 2 big bottles left, and when its gone, its gone! These 2 big bottles will make about 70 of the 1/4 ounce bottles. So 70 orders and its gone!


This oil is a combination of sandalwood, vanilla, violets, and a secret ingredient! It has a completely natural psycic boosting property, but in addition, we have cast upon the oil to increase its potency.


This oil is something like you have never experienced! 

It will aid in inducing astral travel, boosting psychic senses, deeper meditations, OBE, communications with the spirit world, remote viewing, trances, and more!


All you need to do is dab a tiny bit on your 3rd eye area, ear lobes,  under your nose (only to induce OBE and astral travel), or chakra areas.


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