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From now until the first of the year, if you purchase one personal clearing, you get one for a friend or a spouse FREE!
It's a fact, we are surrounded by spirits all of the time.
We have spirit guides , angles, and entities of the light that surround us, work with us, and aid us in being the best people we can possibly be. They do their best to keep us balanced out and aid us in attracting and promoting positive energy exchanges.
However, we are also surrounded by dark spirits and negative energies . These beings vary from constructs, thought forms, demons, psychic vampires , etc.
They can be beings that have attached themselves to you during this lifetime or from other lifetimes as well.
They can also be energies sent forth intentionally or unintentionally.
When these entities, thought forms, or constructs attach themselves to a human, they attach themselves to our energy centers, aka chakras.
Once attached, they begin by messing with our own personal energies. If left long enough, they can even affect our health.
When they attach themselves to a property, a physical home or land, they deplete the natural positive energy of the property itself and even its surroundings. They can make it an extremely difficult and uncomfortable place to live and/or work in.
So what are the symptoms?
Continuous illnesses for you or your family (All treatments fail or only give temporary relief)
Constant worries
Suicidal thoughts
Desire to be alone away from family and friends
Repeated miscarriages or deaths of children
Unnatural or untimely deaths in the family
Problems in the construction of homes, buildings or businesses Constantly under financial strain
No desire to live
Sudden quarrels with family, friends or life partners for no reason
Business loss
Loss of Mental Stability
Sudden loss of appetite
Significant weight gain or loss
Plagued with bad luck
Loss of energy or strength
Lack of Sleep
These are just a few of the symptoms that you may experience.
This cleansing & shielding is offered by Mother Moon and once ordered, you may have to be put on a waiting list as she only does 4 of these per week.
What she does is she uses her own spirit guides, entities, and guardians to localize the negative energies and/or entities that are effecting you.. This includes spell work of ill intent, curses, hexes, psychic attacks, dark forces, etc. These energies are then dissolved completely or banished and bound to other realms so that they cannot return to cause more chaos and harm.
Once the energies have been dealt with accordingly, she works to balance your own personal energy or the energy of the space that has been effected and raise that energy vibration back to an appropriate level.
The final step in this process are shields or veils are put in place to negate further chaotic energies, entities, and spirits. These veils are usually good for 2 to 4 years.
This is a very intense process which is why only a few of them can be performed each week.
This listing also includes a reading of the energies that may be surrounding you.
All Mother Moon needs from you is a photo,  full name, date of birth, and physical location.


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