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Amulet Earrings of Obstacle Removal

Obstacles can, literally, be a million different things and even the smallest of obstacles can make for a horrible experience.

They can be self-created, intentionally or unintentionally. They can be placed in our path by others, both intentionally and unintentionally. They can also be a natural occurance, or fate, if you rather; something that we must overcome in order to get to the next phase in our lives.

Whatever the obstacle may be, the purpose of this amulet is to remove them whether they are a current happening or something far off in our future.

Each amulet has been cast with the following attributes:

The ability to recognize obstacles

The ability to distinguish one obstacle from another

Removal of seen and unseen obstacles

Overcoming current obstacles

Removal of future obstacles

Removal of known and unknown fears

Encourages self-discovery

Releasing fears

Releasing self-doubt

Encourages self-recognition, self-esteem, and self-worth

By removing these seen and unseen negative forces in our lives, one becomes more at peace, recognizes the opportunities set before us, and gives us the ability to pick up and keep moving forth.

These earrings are sterling silver with abalone.




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