Spirited Enterprise

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Spiced Cranberry Magickal Psychic Soap

This listing is for a 1.5 pound loaf of handmade soap.

This soap has been cast to aid the user in

boosting personal energy for magickal and psychic work

boosting any energy gathered from outside sources

promoting a clear connection with the target

aid in focus

protection during psychic and magickal work

This soap is natural - you could even use it daily to promote psychic activity.

One of the reasons I decided to list some loaves is because I LOVE my homemade soap. Seriously. Everytime I use it, I want to use the whole bar lol. So I figured, if you all are like me, you need a whole loaf so you can ration yourself


The scent I used for this loaf is spiced cranberry.




The soap contains goats milk, shea butter, olive oil and a tad of coconut oil - This combination makes the skin soooo smooth!




As far as international shipping goes - first class shipping on this would be $19.97. It weighs more than what the post office will accept for the flat rate enveloped and its too big for the small flat rate box. So, if you want to pay that much for shipping, its up to you. I will ship it anywhere, but I just wanted you to be informed. If our cart charges you more than what it ends up costing for postage, we do refund overages.


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