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Butterfly Fairy Triplets - Size 9

Meet Kilta, Mika & Netta

They are 433 year old butterfly fae triplets!

Butterfly fae are some of the most social, most interactive little fae you will ever find.

They are not shy nor are they illusive. They love attention and love being included in day to day life and activities. Butterfly faeries are full of creativity.

They can aid their companions in everything from creative cooking, to scrapbooking, to writing, to business ideas and everything in between.

They are very much in the personal catagory as they are all about bettering our lives.

Bringing out confidence

Public Speaking


Job Interviews

Self Esteem

apturing the attention of others

Negating negativity & outside influences

Opening Opportunity

Promoting bonding and relationships

Promoting romance & lasting connection

Attracting those with similar minds

Dispersing Depression & Anxiety

Promoting Self Recognition


They will often manifest as streaks of light, orbs, flashes, and butterflies.They do not like to be touched when they are in their butterfly form as their wings are very fragile and so most of these type of manifestations will be close enough where you can see them, but far enough away that you cannot touch them.

These girls are vibrant, active and extremely loving. When they speak to each other using their own language, to the human ear, it sounds almost like baby babble. You hear a lot of oohs, ahhs, clicks of the tounge and chirping. Its very amazing to hear.

These triplets have never been seperated and like to work together to accomplish their tasks.

Their vessel ring is a vintage sterling butterfly ring with 3 gemstones. It is a size 9.


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