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Gorgeous Silver Djinn Boosting Box

Boosting boxes are magickal boxes that are created by gifted casters in order to "boost" the power and energy level of entities, spirits, and magickals.





In addition, because of the extreme amount of energy these boxes hold, most, if not all, have the ability to infuse objects such as jewelry, trinkets, stones, etc with cosmic energy which attracts positive luck, energy, and influence to the bearer.





There are 5 common types of boosting boxes.

1. human spirits only

2. entities only

3. spirits and entities

4. magickals only

5. spirits, entities, and magickals




A gifted and experienced caster may create 2 to 4 boxes at a time using a combination of moon magick, sun magick, and high magick OR a combination of moon magick and folk magick, depending what type of magick the caster is experienced in and what he or she feels comfortable using.





Because there are very specific times that the energy used in creating these boxes is at its fullest, they can take anywhere from several months to a year to create depending upon the magick used and the type of box being created.




Now, what do they do??



They increase the magickal power and energy of your spirits, entities and/or magickals by a significant amount. Some people say 10 times, while others say 100 times. And really, the increase is so significant that its hard to tell.




How do they do it??



They cleanse the vessel and/or entity/spirit of all of the negativity its gathered. This in itself gives the magickal a boost. Then it empowers the magickal energy the piece/spirit/entity holds with a powerful, universal energy.





This boost lasts anywhere from a week to a month, depending upon how long you leave the piece within the box. Practitioners estimate that 24 hours = 1 week of power.






These "boosts" can bring about more consistency, greater results, quicker results, etc.

In addition, they can give "sluggish" or shy entities/spirits a great bit of confidence and that boost of power and energy that they need to get their work done as well as boost communication, manifestations, etc.





The boosting box that you see before you was created for djinn only .

Not only will it do all of the above, any djinn that you place within this box are given a sanctuary of their very own, for the time that they are in the box.

This is such a wonderful concept as djinn are very social entities within their own race.

This box literally gives them a protected space within an outside realm where they can gather, converse, exchange information and ideas, and just "hang out" without the possibility of outside influence.

These are one of a kind boxes and you are not going to find them anywhere but here on SE.

We only have 2 of these available right now so snag them up while you can!






Our prices on these are firm. We will not be accepting best offers, however, payment plans are still available.


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