Spirited Enterprise

* Where The Magick Happens *

Joined Apr 5 2009
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Sister Ahnyx Mother Moon
StarWynd Sorasheart39 KiKi: Taking things one day at a time. Dewdrop
Atomic62: Been away awhile, now back!! Renee Lady Isolde
Anubis: My spiritual life is set, its time to stop working on it and start living it.      
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Spirited Enterprise
The Spirit Seers, talking about any kind of spirits you see!

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About Me

A few of my (current) favorite quotations:

~Good things only come to those who are willing to take the first step and help themselves. Being proactive is everything.

One ungrateful man does an injury to all who stand in need of aid

~Publilius Syrus

Feeling sorry for yourself, and your present condition, is not only a waste of energy,

but the worst habit you could possibly have.

~Dale Carnegie

**Inspirational quotes help me get through life's rough patches and people.

I hope that these can inspire you or help you as well smile**

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KiKi: Taking things one day at a time.
reply KiKi 16 hours ago
Just passing by to say hello. I hope all is well!
Anubis: My spiritual life is set, its time to stop working on it and start living it.
reply Anubis 2 weeks ago
Well, congratulations! Wow, Im sooooooo behind things on this forum, arent I? :P anyway, thanks, Im sure I better have good luck, or else she's gonna be pissed! (right now she's down helping homeless people wit most of my other entities)
Anubis: My spiritual life is set, its time to stop working on it and start living it.
reply Anubis 2 weeks ago
WHEN??!! Did you become a moderator? But whenever, congrats! smile
reply Dewdrop 2 months ago
I am fine thank you for asking. Love the quotes!!! I am glad to hear your audtion went well - let me know how you get on.
best wishes
reply Dewdrop 3 months ago
how did your audition go?
reply Sorasheart39 3 months ago
I'm okay, how are you??

I will definitely get a white dragon if this gamblers bracelet works for me because apparantly that is the only way that i'm going to find any money... and thanks for the friendly hello

friendly hello to you too ^_^

you have a black dragon?? kewl

laterz ^_^
Atomic62: Been away awhile, now back!!
reply Atomic62 3 months ago
Hope the course is completed and passed!!
reply Dewdrop 3 months ago
Hi Belle,
how are you, how are you getting on with your Black Dragon King?
reply Dewdrop 3 months ago
Wow, your spirit family is really growing!
reply Kelly 4 months ago
Hey kiddo!
I'm so SORRY, I completely forgot to ask you about your NEW JOB, that you just recently started??? Let me know how it's going, {even though I already know you'll DO JUST FINE!}
"Big Hugs",
reply Kelly 4 months ago
Oh I'm so relieved to hear from you! I was getting worried. Bless your heart, I didn't know that you were in college, That's AWESOME!

So, have you noticed ANYTHING at all, from your dragon, or other entities? Ya know, like any tingling sensation, or Hot or Cold senses from wearing your vessel?
I haven't noticed anything at all like that , makes me really wonder what is WRONG, or if my vessel, still has my dragon, or what's happened?

Sweetie, I'm just wondering {between you and I,}, why did you get a level 4 Demon? Are you in a bad situation, or are you needing him to take care of a little problem?{If you feel more at ease, you can answer this in my INBOX}. Where it would be more private?
{Please don't think I'm trying to butt into your personal life, or that I'm being nosey}, I just wondered, because they ARE Powerful.

Believe me, hon, I have honestly thought about getting one~!!!!!!!! For a couple different reasons! But, as of right now, I'm still desperately trying to get OUT of this Horrible marriage, that I'm in. And since I keep my 3 yr.old grandson, while my son works, it makes it difficult to Work Outside of my home. And although my son is a Supervisor at his job, I don't charge anything when I have Johnathan.

But, something has got to give SOOOOON! Sometimes, I get so down. If it wasn't for my 2 grandchildren, {even though I'm just 44 yrs.old.}, I wouldn't care if I saw tomorrow come!
But, I keep trying to hang in there, hoping eventually something GOOD will happen.
Let me know how YOU are doing, and especially how you're doing with your Demon, and other entities! Please know that Anything that You & I, discuss, is just between us~. I would NEVER betray your trust for anything in the world~! And I mean that~.
"Sending You Much Love",
reply Kelly 4 months ago
Hey, I haven't heard from you in awhile, and I'm beginning to get a bit worried. I sent you a message LAST week~. {asking about your dragon}.
Anyway, the strange thing is, ALL of the messages that I have gotten from You, {on my profile page, as well as my Inbox}, have all been DELETED! I don't understand how OR why that would have happened~!!! Nobody else's messages have been deleted.
Please Let me know if you get this message, okay?
reply Sorasheart39 4 months ago
^_^ thanks for adding me!
Atomic62: Been away awhile, now back!!
reply Atomic62 4 months ago
Hi Belle,
Thanks for the invite!!
reply lj 4 months ago
Just wanted to say congrats on adopting your dragon, I saw on the forum he had recently arrived, so a big congrats to you! Like you I'm also new, so hopefully we will be able to learn together!
reply Kelly 4 months ago

Please forgive me, for not welcoming you sooner. As I told Wolfseeker, I also, am New, {just as you are}. I noticed that you did not leave your Name or a "nickname'.

But, I feel it must be for a reason, therefore I will Respect your privacy my dear.

I also was looking for my entity companion. About 3 wks. ago, I purchased a Fae "Fairy" from a Seller on E-bay. I still haven't been able to see her manifestation, or a sign that she's here. Her Vessel the "Ring' may be empty. Or she could just still be too shy to make her presence known.

Now, on the other hand.....I recently bought a "Rare White Dragon", {female}. And she arrived this past Saturday. My dragon's name is..."Keemiah". I am so excited, I'm kinda like a kid, in a Candy Store. Lol.

Although eventually I will be sending my dragon out on a task, and I know that she'll be watching over me, and my family.

My deepest desire, is to truly develop that Trust, Loyalty, Bond, & Love, between Keemiah and myself.

Have you considered getting a "White Dragon", or perhaps a Fae? Take your time, and continue to ASK all the questions that you want. There is NO such thing as a stupid question, so please don't worry about that, okay~?

Although this is very NEW to me, I think it's really great to know, that soon "You" will be getting your own Entity. Perhaps, we can learn with the other "newbies" how to interact with our new companions, together~!

Let us know, what you decide. I look forward to talking to you again.

"Blessed Be",