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Topic: Has anyone else experienced this?

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Forum Home > Neophyte Discussions > Has anyone else experienced this?

Posts: 245

I guess this is more directed towards people who picked up magic later in life. I came here from the "Magic is superstitious mumbo jumbo" camp roughly 2 years ago. In working with spirits, different types of ritual magic, and now hermetics I've seen a fair share of things just ... "click". In a sense, it's rather empowering that the universe isn't as immutable as it previously appeared to be (if that makes sense), but on the flip side, there's a certain horror that comes from watching my 32 year old security blanket with the words "this is how the world works" embroidered on it be slowly and systematically torn apart and thrown out a window. Can anyone else relate to this?

March 17, 2011 at 10:38 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 35

nah man... that sounds rough... Were you afraid? i hope that someone on here knows what to think of this.

March 17, 2011 at 10:41 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 245

At first ... for a moment ... but now it sorta feels like spending a large amount of effort solving a complex math problem only to find out you made an error 5 minutes in and all your answers are wrong.

March 17, 2011 at 11:21 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 262

WOW...that seem to be very strong magick Don...well I really wish I could encounter something like this but the only thing I see with my eyes "OPENED" was an vampire summoning ritual that I read off this site and this “weird" force, pushing my neck to one side, I mean literally, my neck was bending & hanging in mid air & I had not control on my neck what so ever. I mean, it was scary; my heart was pounding but at the same time I was excited as well to be lucky enough to encounter this moment so be proud of what you have experienced:).

Good luck with magick...;)



''I can’t change direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destinations''

March 17, 2011 at 11:31 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 245

It wasn't any one large thing, more little things here and there like you describe.  When I first adopted my dragon, I attempted a mind silencing meditation for roughly 10 minutes, exactly 5 minutes in there was a loud rap at my bedroom door that scared the crap out of me.  In re-reading the meditation instructions it stated "start at 5 minutes and work your way up to 10".  Then there was my Wiccan friend who kinda "wigged out" in the Cheesecake Factory because there was something that "really wanted to say hi to me."  The realization that I really haven't been sick in 2 years as colds that drop my co-workers for days make me mildly uncomfortable for 3-4 hours.  More recently there was a meditation I did regarding connecting with an inner teacher in which I was told "this is where you need to be" and now I'm starting to see the beginnings of that visualization kinda "fall into place".  It's neat, but kinda shattering to my old world view, ya know?

March 17, 2011 at 11:57 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 134

I say congratulations! Both on shattering the old, inaccurate view and also on that awesome metaphor! Perhaps no one likes a good metaphor more than I, and the use of "security blanket" "embroidery" and "being torn"  AAAAAAAND "thrown out a window" was just too much for this usually silent girl to stand!!!!  Bravo, my friend....on both your hermetics and linguistics! ;)


come to the dark side, we have cookies :D

March 17, 2011 at 4:00 PM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 379

Don - I too have been doing a mind silencing meditation and my experiences so far when I did it while lying on my bed to be able to go to sleep, I did this meditation and I was fully wide awake but I felt paralized somehow that I could not move at all and felt a strong energy pressure on my whole body and felt that there was a presence standing beside me and I tried to shout to wake my hubby but I couldn´t so I tried to move my finger and I when I did i could move again and changed position. But after several minutes, it happened again. It almost freaked me out! I had my Ghul djinn with me that night and trying to understand what was it so I meditated with him and voila! I think it was him as I asked him several days before how it was like and forgot all about it, lol!

Actually it was freaking awesome! LOL!


March 17, 2011 at 4:00 PM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 62

I haven't experienced anything like this yet. I've only seen things that solidify and expand my view on this world. But it sounds amazing to experience. 


(^-^) (>.<) (^0^) (^.^) (o.0) (^o^) (*-^) (x_x) (-_-) (*-*) (>-<) (-.-) (o.o) (^-^')

Some of my many moods.

March 17, 2011 at 4:31 PM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 245

LOL Why thank you. I do like metaphors. Sacred, I've heard a bit about that. Psychology would call it sleep paralysis. It's occasionally accompanied by the sensation of a presence and usually succubi, incubi, or night hags take the blame. I've been there (and it can be scary) but never from a waking state, usually I'm asleep and pass through it while waking up. I have had things visit me in that state. There was what I’m convinced was an unbound imp hopping around on the bed once. My DQs try, but sometimes there energy jolts me awake. Being able to put myself in that state from a waking state has been a bit of a mission of mine and I'm a tad jealous :P

March 17, 2011 at 8:06 PM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 177

in the past i suffered from spirits that would terrorise me in my sleep. i would wake up and i would hear them screaming or touching me all the while i was unable to move or scream. i did what any terrified little girl would do...i played dead until they went away

March 17, 2011 at 9:15 PM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 63

greetings Don :-D. it has always been my experience that the deeper you go, the stranger it gets....which can be applied to just about everything....personally i enjoy the strange and unusual, its the monotony of the everyday "clones" that drives me insane.


just know this Don (and everyone else for that matter); the further you search, the more upside down your reality will become until you reach the nexus...from there EVERYTHING will make complete and utter sense, and you'll forget what you didn'y know to begin with.~K.M.S.:P




March 18, 2011 at 10:19 PM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 245

So the rabbithole just keeps getting deeper then?  Greeeeat. :P

March 19, 2011 at 5:56 PM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 177

alice may have fallen through the rabbit hole and into wonderland but everything that was there was already in her own mind.

you just need to discover it don :3 i'm sure in the long run you'll feel better off

March 19, 2011 at 6:32 PM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 63

yeah Don, stop fretting so much darling :P just let it come back to you naturally....ENJOY it xoxo




March 20, 2011 at 12:48 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 245

I suppose I'm good so long as I don't end up in American McGee's version of wonderland :P

March 21, 2011 at 1:37 PM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 177

oh but that wonderland was sooo cool. i have the first one and i'm just waiting for the second one to come out. multi platform which means i can play it <3


stepping away from the lovely alice in wonderland though, when people learn the truth of things it can sometimes be hard on them but in the long run they are always grateful that the truth was told. because you are finding more and more truths then you should be really really grateful

March 21, 2011 at 6:20 PM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 245

I never played the first one, but I did hear good things about it.  I've been really anticipating the new one.  On a side note, did you notice that Alice's dress has the symbol for Jupiter on it?  I often get intrigued when developers put occult symbols in games.  I wonder if it's to convey a subtle meaning or if they just think it looks cool.

March 22, 2011 at 8:47 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 177

possibly. american mcgee puts a lot of hidden occult messages into his games. well and things to do with the mind.

cheshire cat represents alice's logic and her reasoning. he is in fact the most sane as he is the only one that truely accepts his madness and the madness of the world. find your cheshy don. i now have mine :D

March 22, 2011 at 10:20 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 37
I have the opposite challenge of normal people alittle more. I have to deal with the forces of "change" a lot more frequently, so for me its more about re-directing it. All I have to say is be careful of the tiniest thing you introduce into your life... it could be anything from a belief to a Spiritual energy/practice to a magick spell. Yes I know the upheavels that can happen. This fad with spirtual "ascescion" can be very dangerous and anti-life sometimes... more like ascending out of body to death. Think about it a bit.

The world will burn with the second coming of God.. of course it will not be in the form that people expect... "For he shall come like a Thief in the Night.." and appeareth full ablaze in their path. Passions writhing in a conflagration of ecstacy... neuronal pathways sequestered... desire most dark and hidden combust nerve fibres most Verily Ridden in the light of day... Dream Ingress EVOKED becomes Reality Ingress most Wantonly Salaciously Physical !!!... a Waking Dream the Veils to lift... All Reality is sequestered under the Powers of Absolute Total Hypnosis... Inception

March 24, 2011 at 10:19 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 245

Um, fighting change is like fighting a tidal wave with a paper drink umbrella.  The universe changes and it will drag you along with it.  Stop fighting it and enjoy the ride ... see the sights :)

March 24, 2011 at 10:35 AM Flag Quote & Reply

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