Spirited Enterprise

* Where Magick Happens *


Joined Feb 17 2009
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Durham, NC, USA
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Spirited Enterprise

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I write fiction and edit other people's books for money. Right now I am studying medical coding and - after a lifetime of fascination and curiosity - magic, both kinds.

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Reply Magpie-Angel
10:33 PM on July 27, 2011 
heyy laure i remember seeing a comment from you awhile back and you can't stand perfumed candles or incense? we i get little wax tarts so when they melt the release a smell but it doesn't get caught up in your throat like the other two do. is always worth shot. a company alled Yankee candles do them :3
Reply Laure
01:29 AM on May 11, 2009 
I don't often have interesting dreams, but had a strikingly interesting/ugly one last night - of a handsome but baleful-looking man watching me silently, in broad daylight, in the nearby park where I exercise. He had unnatural-looking eyes, a pale green chartreuse color, and I could tell the color even at a distance as well as the man's dangerousness. I didn't panic in my dream. I stared him down. He didn't go away,but didn't make an aggressive move either. (There were others present, which would have probably kept him from doing anything overt if it had been a real-life event.)

I have a Black Wolf demon who rarely speaks but communicates in other ways, though rarely in visual ways, and who's been very still lately. Could this be his way of trying to communicate a warning? If so, I wonder whether the message is "dangerous place" or "dangerous person" or both. I know there's no way anyone can be certain, but I'd be interested in what experienced demonkeepers think.

This park is a place where I often invite my demon to communicate with me, as repetitious motion helps me put myself into a light trance state sometimes, and it's a peaceful-feeling, safe-feeling place in general.

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