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Ghost that grunts etc

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Ghost that grunts etc
This skull turns around by itself, whenever I exit the room or reenter it. The other day I came home, and the skull was positioned as so on top my paper pile, and a bone was inserted throught it's head. Also, 2 bones were positioned in a cross like fashion. The skull has moved once more, and no longer sits on my papers. The three bones remain in place, one on top of the paper pile,the other two still crossed against the paper pile. I was too scared to go right up to it and inspect which bones they were. It likes to play about with my disarticulated skeleton, but it is extremely annoying,because it makes things disorganised.
Posted by gene123 on August 7, 2014 Full Size| Slideshow



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10:31 PM on August 11, 2014 
hi! no, i would've known if so by now. no more activity for 4 days now, finally gone i think. we had 2 deaths here lately though, our close neighbour, and my great uncle, in the time span of 1 month. I was studying anatomy, and purchased a disarticulated skeleton for $100 on ebay
6:20 PM on August 11, 2014 
@ MommaL... I was about to post the same thing!!!
Are you sure nobody is playing a joke on you? It's not funny, but maybe someone thought they can just mess with you. why do you have a skull anyway?
10:40 PM on August 7, 2014 
That sounds hilarious Mommal!! hahahhahahha wish that happened to me :) I'm thinking this is a poltergeist, not sure? I may try to set up a camera.
Occasionaly this activity happens when no-one else is home. No-one else is in the vicinity of the room, when it turns around.There have been occasional grunts in the corner of the study too. At one stage it was very continuous. It's all been like this one month to date now. At the advice of forum members, I'm looking into the banishment spell.
1:34 PM on August 7, 2014 
I have a question, do you have any family members who may be playing a practical joke on you? My husband did something similar to a co-worker (no bones involved), but he would move little things in his office and would quietly laugh his a** off at his co workers reaction. This continued until eventually my husband was caught red handed, lol.



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