Spirited Enterprise

* Where Magick Happens *

MM's Corner

Fasting & the Ever-changing Human Body

Posted by Mother Moon on August 16, 2015 at 12:10 AM

Fasting has always been part of magick.

A clean body has a way of awakening and enhancing spiritual awareness and experience.


Contrary to popular belief, not all fasts are created equal.


The purest fast is that which allows only water. Nothing else. No food or drink of any kind except water.


Some fasts require that you only abstain from red meat. Others require abstinence from all meat.

Some fasts require that you not eat anything solid, but allow you to have water, fruit juices and/or broth.

There are even fasts that allow the most basic of meals, but require you to abstain from luxury,  and processed foods and carbonated drinks.


The fasting ritual that you follow when it comes to magickal workings can depend on the tradition and/or the spellwork you're planning to perform.

Many fasts are done prior to traditional celebrations.

Fasting can be as simple as withholding food for a 24 hour period or it can be as extreme as literally living off of water alone for an entire month.


It seems like I've been perpetually fasting in one form or another for as far back as I can remember.

In fact, I fast so often that I have to have a calendar to remind me which fast Im on lol.


When I was young, fasting didn't seem to have any real consequence on my body.

I fasted when it was necessary and I binged afterward for as long as it took for me to feel satisfied.

I would usually lose a few pounds during a long fast, but gain it back within a couple of weeks afterward.

I was always a very slender woman and outside of my pregnancies, never weighed more than 105 pounds.


In my early 30s, I started to notice that there were times when pure fasting and no meat fasting started to really affect my energy levels.

I saw a nutritionist for a time and with a combination of vitamins and changes to my after-fast diet, I was back to normal, fasting whenever I chose.


About 4 years ago, I again started to notice another change. This time, fasting started to affect my body.

At first, during a fast, I would lose a few pounds like I had always done, but afterward, I would gain a few pounds more than I lost.


It took me a year to get my body back under control. I went back to the routine that my original nutritionist had suggested and a different exercise routine and though I wasn't really losing the extra weight, I wasn't gaining anymore either and that was better than no improvement.


I chalked it up to being older and having my last baby via c-section and just moved forward.


Then again, I started to notice that I was gaining more weight (especially around my midsection) after a fast than before even though my diet was natural and pretty healthy. In about 10 months I went from 120 pounds to 135 pounds. On a 5 foot, naturally slender frame, that is a lot of weight. Its 25 pounds more than I was ever used to carrying.


I'd been exercising, watching my diet, taking the supplements that the original nutritionist had recommended and there was NO change.


After consulting with another nutrition specialist. She believes that because of the extreme amount of fasting I've done over the years, I've taught my body that I will starve it and depry it of what it needs often and in order to compensate, it has taken on a mind of its own and decided to store all of the fat that it possibly can just waiting for the next starvation.

And of course, not sleeping long enough or well enough is also part of the issue.


So now, I'm going to be starting a new day and night specific herbal routine (Dr Berg! Google him, he's awesome), a diet that consists of mostly of proteins and veggies, and a low impact exercise routine that is far different from what I had been doing. AND I've promised the nutritionist that I will not fast for 30 days once I get started to see how it goes! The not fasting is going to be the hard part as, like I said, Im always on one fast or another.




I decided to go ahead and share this because I know a lot of you fast and Im hoping that my experience will perhaps help someone else. As women, our bodies are constantly changing anyway, but to feel like your body has completely betrayed you is the worst.


Both before and after a fast, your diet should be high in protein every day. On days that you exercise, carbs are more important than fat and on days that you're resting or doing very little, your fat intake should be higher. Unprocessed, whole foods are very important.


Remember that you are not like everyone else and you have to learn what works for you.

Some people have a huge meal after a fast, others are fine with a snack or a small meal.

Some people take a period of months to work up to a long fast. Start small and only do what you know you and your body can handle.

Make sure that you are getting a good nights rest. If you're not sleeping, get help.

And finally, make sure that you are not fasting for too long or too often.

Categories: Knowledge Base

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Reply Mother Moon
9:46 AM on February 6, 2017 
It depends on the type of fast that you're doing and what you're trying to accomplish with your fasting.

In my younger years I practiced fasting with peyote tea:) SO yes, I do believe that certain drugs and alcohol can aid the magickal self. Though I wouldn't promote it in an unsafe environment.
Reply saulidream
9:37 AM on February 5, 2017 
do you recommend any type of chemical consumption when fasting? Do you believe in the magical powers of drugs and alcohol?
Reply saulidream
9:34 AM on February 5, 2017 
I know fasting works well for prayers or powerful insight. I once fasted 5 days and I realized how nice it was not ever have to poop, and how strange it was not having any type of consumption on your list of things to do. Consumption can be such a heavy burden, of course it's also very enjoyable. Going without really makes you honor and appreciate what you eventually do end up consuming. It also helps make you honor yourself by being careful of what you consume. Personally I'm into consuming whiskey and marlboro reds, amongst other various foods. Not very mindful these days.
Reply :/
9:50 PM on December 27, 2015 
I used the fast to get off caffeine and tobacco. I have had some caffeine since but I have not had tobacco of any kind. No other changes in diet or life style.
Reply Mother Moon
12:46 PM on December 27, 2015 
Its quite common to experience more odor and increased sweating during a fast as your skin helps to rid the body of toxins but what could be causing it this long after the fact, Im not sure.

Have you changed something in your diet since the fast? Much of what determines the smell of your body is what you eat and drink.

When your body sees what you consume as a toxin it naturally tries to rid your body of it through sweating, urination, etc.

A few years ago a friend of mine started drinking those nutrishakes or whatever they're called from the juice bar. We never figured out which ingredient it was, but something in those shakes made her body odor unbearable. She smelled every single day while she was on this shake diet. It took 10 full days after she quit the shakes for her body odor to go back to the way it was - unsmelly.
Reply :/
12:20 PM on December 27, 2015 
I have been on several fasts. They normally go well and I have no issues during or after the fast. Eight months ago I had an odd result after a 3 day fast. This was a complete no intake at all fast. No food or drink not even water. The odd part is now I have to use a deoderamt. I have not used a deoderant for 20 years. But since that fast my arm pits smell. Anyone have a clue why that might happen?
Reply Serenity
2:20 PM on September 21, 2015 
I have fasted several times with only water.
The longest fast was for 15 days with nothing but water.

My body gained back much of the weight that I had lost during that period within few days.
I lost 28 pounds during the fast but my body was so deprived of nutrients that it was alerted thinking I could starve myself to death I think.
And over the years, I gained even more...)
The fasts altered and reprogrammed my body every time.
Reply Moon
6:24 AM on August 31, 2015 
Any kind of extreme is bad for us....Keep looking after yourself :-)